Cat Foster Application Please Note: This is not a Foster-to-Adopt Application, please see the Adoption tab on our website if you are interested in Adopting. Applicant Full Legal Name:(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address City Province Postal Code Home Phone(Required)Alternate Phone(Required)Email(Required) Personal Reference Name(Required) First Last Relationship(Required) How long Known(Required) Please complete the following questionnaire in its entirety giving as much detail as possible. Our main objective is to ensure good compatibility between you, your family, and your fostered pet.Do you own or rent your residence?(Required) Own Rent Do you have your landlord’s permission to have a cat(Required) Yes No Landlords Name(Required) Phone(Required)What type of home do you live in(Required) House Apartment Condo Trailer Townhouse Other Other:(Required) How long have you resided at your current address?(Required) Is this going to be your first cat (fostered or owned)?(Required) Yes No If no were they:(Required) Indoor Outdoor Indoor & Outdoor N/A If this is not your first cat, what happened to your previous cat?(Required)Are you 19 years of age or over?(Required) Yes No Who will be the primary caregiver of the cat?(Required) Are all family members in agreement of fostering a cat?(Required) Yes No Are there any children residing in your household?(Required) Yes No If yes, how many & what ages?(Required) Does any family member suffer from allergies?(Required) Yes No Do you currently own or foster any other animals (including livestock)?(Required) Yes No If yes, please list:(Required) Are they spayed or neutered?(Required) Yes No 12. If you do have other pets, how do you feel they will adjust to a new cat in the house?(Required)Where will the cat spend the day?(Required) Loose indoors Separate room Other Please Specify(Required) 14. Where will the cat be at night?(Required) Loose indoors Separate room Other Please Specify(Required) If the cat scratched up your couch, how would you handle this?(Required)If you returned home to find your cat has urinated/defecated on the floor, what would you do?(Required)Are you able to transport the cat for medical care as required?(Required) Yes No You are aware and in agreement with the rule that ALL medical decisions for the foster cat are made by CATS and will be administered by a CATS trained medical volunteer or veterinarian.(Required) Yes No Are you aware that a fostered cat is still the property of CATS and all food and behavior decisions, or changes must made by a CATS trained volunteer and not yourself?(Required) Yes No CATS volunteers are concerned for the wellbeing of all our cats. Would you be willing to allow one of our volunteers to do a scheduled home visit prior to, and/or after the FOSTER process?(Required) Yes No If No, Please Explain(Required)All the information I have provided in this application is true and correct. Please sign below:(Required)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY *PLEASE NOTE: Only applicants chosen to foster will be contacted.